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Tuesday 19 August 2014

Hope for Africa! Thank you to St James CE Primary School, Wardle, Rochdale.

A HUGE thank you to Miss Catherine Aden, Headteacher and her stunning children and parents of St James CE Primary school!

Hope in our hearts

The children of Becky School Firestone Liberia will receive a cheque for the sum of £500 to help to purchase vital school equipment.

Miss Aden told the children how proud she was of their own efforts to provide for other children around the world. Parents in attendance at the end of year presentation assembly clapped and cheered loudly.

I was lucky enough to give a small thank you talk and to share some photos of Becky School, of Kimmie Weeks (Youth Action International/ Peace4kids) and of Spryte Loriano- another woman who has dedicated her life to humanitarian causes- just like Cath Aden!

with love from Anni and Harry xx

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